Destination #6

 Hello friends. Today we visited Said Bandikusho complex.Now i wanna share todays vibes with yiu🫶🥰

Sayyid Bandikusho was a Sufi saint and healer who lived in Bukhara during the 14th century.

• His real name was Muhammad ibn Alauddin, but he became known as Sayyid Bandikusho ("Lord of the Gypsies") due to his close association with the Romani people.

• According to legend, he possessed miraculous healing powers and was able to perform extraordinary feats.


• Sayyid Bandikusho's shrine is located in the Chor Minor district of Bukhara.

• It is a small, domed structure with a simple exterior.

• The interior is decorated with intricate tilework and contains Sayyid Bandikusho's tomb.

Pilgrimage Site:

• Sayyid Bandikusho's shrine is a popular pilgrimage site for Muslims from all over Central Asia.

• Pilgrims visit the shrine to pray for healing, blessings, and guidance.

• They often leave offerings of flowers, coins, and other items at the tomb.

Cultural Significance:

• Sayyid Bandikusho is a revered figure in Bukharan culture.

• He is considered a patron saint of healers and is often invoked in traditional medicine practices.

• His shrine is a symbol of Bukhara's rich spiritual heritage and the importance of Sufism in the region.


• According to legend, Sayyid Bandikusho was a skilled physician who used his knowledge to heal the sick and cure the afflicted.

• He was also said to have the ability to control the weather and perform miracles.

• One famous legend tells of how he turned a group of gypsies into birds to escape from their enemies.


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