Destination #1


It would seem that we have exhausted the impressions of Bukhara. But not, there are still wonders, perhaps the most interesting monuments among Uzbekistan tours. In the suburb of Bukhara there is a significant ensemble, concentrating the highest achievements of architecture of the XVI century – Chor-Bakr.

Chor-Bakr Necropolis is situated in Sumitan village. The burial places of Djuybarsk sheikhs, which considered the main representatives of religious ideas of Islam, are in Chor-Bakr Necropolis.

History of Chor-Bakr Necropolis

The beginning of necropolis existence was the funeral of Abu-Bakr-Said, and other members of the clan (hence the name of the necropolis - Chor-Bakr, that is translated as “four brothers”). Abu-Bakr-Said, the son of sheikh Muhammad Islam, descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, was nominated the post of Shaykh al-Islam (supervisor, controlling the execution of punishments on Sharia) in Bukhara.

For almost 20 years Djuybarsk sheikh from the “Naqshbandi order” – Hodja Abu-Bakr-Said had been the mentor of Abdullah Khan II. After Hodja’s death Abdullah Khan II immortalized the name of his scholar, having erected the complex around the tomb.


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