
 Destination:Khoja Ismat Bukhari

Hello friends 👋😁.Today it was our the last destination to Khoja Ismat Bukhari.i wanna share with you some pictures and information about his person and building

Khoja Icmat was one of the descendants of Bukhari's imam Ja'far Jadik Born in Bukhara to a noble and noble merchant family. From an early age he was distinguished from his childhood by his clever, cheerful, cheerful and delicate man, because of his keen intelligence, his abilities, and his upbringing. Alisher Navoi in detail on Majolis un-nafois and Mezon ul-avzon about Khoja Ismat Bukhari in detail. He explains that in the Majolis-un-nafois, he added that he was one of his predecessors, and that "Hodja Ismat Bukhari was one of the nobles of Maveraunnahr ... the famous devil's poet was famous" and created an unparalleled example. “Zahir has perfected knowledge. The poem itself became famous because of its extraordinary beauty.... The grave of Khoja is in her cell in Bukhara ”.Khoja Ismat Bukhari is indeed one of the most widely recognized "Movarounnahr breeders" in all historical sources. The separate devotions of Khoja Ismat Bukhari, number 25-9260, 805-X, 1435, 2236-X1, 4313-1, currently stored in the manuscript collection of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, published by Ahmad Karami in Iran. an excellent collection of poems, the poem "Avvali zuhuri dwuyu devoni Khoja Ismat", preserved in the Central Library of Bukhara region, is a major part of historical sources that inform the writer's creative work and life. In particular, some of his works


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