
 Hello for all.Now I desire to tell about my day.Our trip was to Nadir Devon Begi🤩🤩🤩

Madrasah Nodir Devonbegi - Madrasah in Bukhara, part of the architectural ensemble of the XVI-XVII centuries Lyabi-house. The madrasah was built in 1622-1623. by the vizier of Imamkuli-khan, Uzbek dignitary Nodir Devon-run as a caravanserai, but was later converted into a madrasah. In 1993, the madrasah, along with other monuments of the historical center of Bukhara, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The portal of the madrasah is decorated with mosaic images of fallow deer and two Simurg birds that look at the sun. The remains of the mosaics are visible on the side facades.

The portal of the madrasah is decorated with mosaic images of fallow deer and two Simurg birds that look at the sun. The remains of the mosaics are visible on the side facades.As a result, Nadir Devonbegi parted with plans to earn extra money and gave the building to believers, especially since it was opposite the khanaka, built by the same unlucky divabegi. However, this was not in vain and Nadir earned the glory of a great philanthropist and defender of Islam.


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