
 Hello for all.Today our trip was to House Museum of Fayzulla Khajayev.House-Museum of Fayzulla Khodjaev, located in the old part of Bukhara, in Goziyon neighborhood, is the bright example of the architecture of the XIX century. Fayzulla Khodjaev Museum memorializes one of the eminent politicians of Uzbekistan, whose active work fell on the beginning of the XX century.Fayzulla Khodjaev, is, undoubtedly, a key politician figure of Uzbek history of 1920-1930. His fantastic career and tragic final left many ambiguities, covered with discrepant myths of the XX century.

He was a Bukharan politician that served as the first head of the Bukharan People's Soviet Republic, which would later form part of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.Fayzulla Khodjaev’s father was a merchant- millionaire, who made a fortune on the export of karakul. When Fayzulla was 11 he together with his father went to Russia and until 1911 had been studied in Moscow. In 1912 the father died, and Fayzulla got a part of father’s property, including the house in old Bukhara neighborhood. It was quite clear, that faith and convictions of young Fayzulla reflected the interests of national capital, competing with the largest capitalist Khanate – Amir of Bukhara. Hence there was an aspiration to reforms and way to power by means of revolution. Fayzulla Khodjaev actively opposed the anti-people reign of the last Bukhara Amir.

To visit Fayzulla Khodjaev Museum in Bukhara and know Fayzulla Khodjaev Museum history you can within tours by Peopletravel Company. Having chosen one of the introduced tours to Uzbekistan, you will be able to see Bukhara with its ancient and historical sites.

I can say our trip was so exciting and I am sharing a video  for you🙃


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