
 Hello for all.Today we went Toqi Telpakfurushon and Toqi sarafon.Tgey are located in Bukhara near The Labi hauz complex.First we visited to Toqi Telpak furushon and took some pictures and learnt some relevant information about it.Here you can read about tgis complex.The Telpak-Furushon dome is translated as a "dome of hats and ornaments". This is an indoor market built in the XVI century, located at the intersection of five streets of Bukhara. Here they sold various headdresses: skullcaps, embroidered with beads, brocade and silk, fur fox hats, beautifully rolled turbans. It is known that the trade in headgear here sold books, and the place was called Kitab-Furushon (Kitab meaning book). Today, you may buy beautiful embroidered headdresses in oriental style.

Next we went Toqi Sarafon.It is also near Toqi telpak furushon.We observed bazaars and beautiful narrow ways which are crowded with people.Find some relevant informstion and shared ot with our friends.Here you can see which informations  i have learnt.Toqi sarraphon was built  during 16 centure and was used for traiding.Its one of the tourist attraction place nowadays.Sarapphon means a person who sells and buys things such as jewelries.

Thats all.Thanks for your attention☺☺


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