
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022


 Hello for all.Today we went Toqi Telpakfurushon and Toqi sarafon.Tgey are located in Bukhara near The Labi hauz complex.First we visited to Toqi Telpak furushon and took some pictures and learnt some relevant information about it.Here you can read about tgis complex. The Telpak-Furushon dome  is translated as a "dome of hats and ornaments". This is an indoor market built in the XVI century, located at the intersection of five streets of Bukhara. Here they sold various headdresses: skullcaps, embroidered with beads, brocade and silk, fur fox hats, beautifully rolled turbans. It is known that the trade in headgear here sold books, and the place was called Kitab-Furushon (Kitab meaning book). Today, you may buy beautiful embroidered headdresses in oriental style. Next we went Toqi Sarafon.It is also near Toqi telpak furushon.We observed bazaars and beautiful narrow ways which are crowded with people.Find some relevant informstion and shared ot with our friends.Here you can see


 Toqi Zargaron is situated in Bukhara .It was built in 16 th century.It served as a shopping center for the sale of jewelry.We saw uniqe jewelry there.Even my freinds wanted to buy some of them. Hello for all.Today we went Toqi Zargaron.It is situateted in Bukhara near Labi Hauz complex.It is well known and crowded place.The trading Dome Toqi Zargaron is tge most wxoensive bazaar among the bazaars in Bukhara.It is located north of the three famous Dome.This magneficent  agricultural mastepiece was built in 1969 and 1970 under the rule of Abdullakhan ll of the Shaibanid dynasty. Taqi is the name of the domes of tge covered bazaaes, which were built at  intersection of several busiest streets."Zargar" is translated as a jewellr.So also Toqi Zargaron was also a builfing For jewellers We observed it with our inner desire and took some pictures of it.After that we came back home .It was memorable day for me😍😍😍.


 Hello for all Today we went Blacksmith museum and learned some information about it. The blacksmith was working on a knife, and using his hammer to straighten it on the anvil. The sound of the hammer on the anvil and the smoky atmosphere made the shop feel as if it was transported back into ancient times. There were quite a few finished product hanging on the walls to view. We spent 15 minutes here and tried to stay away from the work area of the black smith whilst enjoying the experience. If you continue walking north on exiting the museum, several shops on the right have beautiful knives and metal craft.I really liked it😻😻😻.Here you can see inside of museum



Blog #5

  Hi for all.Today we went to Art Gallery musuem.Onbserved it fully .It was so interesting day as I like to watch ancient pictures and I have a knack to draw pictures.I cannot explore it by sentences here you can see my blog about our day 


 Hello for all.Today we went to Mağoki Attoriy today.It situated In Bukhara near Nadir Devanbegi.Mağoki Attoriy was built in XII centurure and reconstructed in XVI centure.There are many legends about this mosque.Now I am going to tell you one of it: Mağoki Attoriy was built in a small and deep place.In ancient times people said attor when something situated in deep place or if it is a small bazar.Thats why they called it Mağoki Attoriy.   This building has 6 main columns and a big blue dome.I took some pictures of it.You may see them🥰